dijous, 28 de gener del 2010

El capitalisme acaba amb els vídeos a Màgica Nit

Tots els vídeos en format lliure, han desaparegut...

Gràcies a Chris Double de TinyVid per habilitar els vídeos i poder així baixar-los!!!

I started tinyvid.tv to experiment with the HTML 5 video element. Now that the major video sites (Daily Motion, Vimeo and YouTube) support HTML 5 video I feel there is no longer a need for an experiemental site like tinyvid. Unfortunately the costs of running a video sharing are too high to keep operating it as an experiment.

Thanks for your usage of tinyvid and enjoy HTML 5 video at the major sites. Keep lobbying your favourite sites and browser vendors to support the codecs that you wish to use.

You can email admin@tinyvid.tv if you need access to a video you uploaded or have any other questions about tinyvid.